This is a 1915 medium oak sideboard. Notice the beautiful pencil legs and scalloped edge along the apron. Original knobs are wood. and were left on the sideboard.

These next three pictures show closeups of the embossing on the doors and the drawer.
The above picture shows the next stage in the transformation. The side board was coated with one coat of vGCPC colour Balsamic.
Ta Da. This is the completed project. Notice the door down at the left hand side of the picture. This was the door that was the original inspiration for doing this piece. After distressing the piece copper leaf was applied and burnished into the finish. the final step was a coat of vGCPC Cabinet Concealer (also known as Antiquing Glaze)
Project is done and ready to go. One change that was made when one of the original door knobs split. Not having a copy to replace just the one knob, all four knobs were replaced with a cast iron know with a fleur-de-lis design. This is one of the most complex jobs I have done so far. Want to see it in person. See it at our London location. We are open there Monday to Saturday. I look forward to seeing you all, new customers and old.
John Robinson - Master Craftsman and Proprietor at Stan Portleys - Timeless and Unique / www.facebook/stanportleys